Exclusive. Ethical. Environmentally Friendly.

Our Transparency

This handbag is a 100% hand crafted product, made piece by piece, adhering to social and environmental responsibilities. While we often try our best to keep the wood color and patterns similar throughout our crafting, it is inevitable that wood will vary at least slightly from piece by piece. Even two pieces of wood from the same species will differ somewhat from each other, because of environmental factors and the life of the tree all affect the look of the reclaimed wood ranging from geographical location to soil, the climate and more. Please note, the beauty about crafting with nature is the natural form that sculpts the material and that it will always be 

subject to small natural and organic variations between pieces.

Sustainability Matters

Sustainability is no longer an afterthought in the world of fashion. There is a new fashion economy emerging, one where sustainability is at the heart. Restoring, reusing, and recycling previously used materials have become a focal point for many brands, including ShanPaulo.

Inspired by the endless possibilities of the materials we use; we have partnered with non-profits who are spearheading efforts to increase sustainability for all. Our goal is to support them in their mission and raise awareness about sustainability throughout the world of fashion.

One Tree Planted

A Non-Profit Organization Focused On Global Reforestation.

We partner with OneTreePlanted.org to support efforts to combat global deforestation. As our products are made from reclaimed wood, it was a natural fit. One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization on a mission to make it simple for anyone and everyone to help the environment by planting trees. What started in 2014 with a few trees planted has doubled with thousands of trees planted year over year. They continue to reach out and work with reforestation partners in North America, Asia, Africa, and South America to combat deforestation. For every dollar donated to One Tree Planted by ShanPaulo, from 1% of our sales, they will plant a single tree. The possibilities for improving the environment are truly limitless with One Tree Planted and ShanPaulo partnership.

Visit their site Plant your tree

Shop at ShanPaulo & Make a Difference

Our commitment to our customers transcends our incredible designs and friendly customer support team. Giving you a product that not only is made sustainably, is sculpted by hand, and truly exudes the confidence you embody, but also one that gives back to the environment is priceless. Shop our luxury handbags and experience a better bag with a bigger purpose.